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The Conversation

The Conversation is an independent source of news analysis and informed comment written by academic experts, working with professional journalists who help share their knowledge with the world.

324 Articles Published | Follow:
remnants on desert
If you thought this summer’s heat waves were bad, a new study has some disturbing news about dangerous heat in the future

David Battisti, University of Washington As global temperatures rise, people in the tropics, including places…

water dew in clear glass panel
Britain’s notoriously wet and cold climate is changing – you won’t like what replaces it

Wilson Chan, University of Reading; Nigel Arnell, University of Reading, and Ted Shepherd, University of…

icy mountain and ocean scenery
What could we do to cool the Arctic, specifically?

Shaun Fitzgerald, University of Cambridge and Hugh Hunt, University of Cambridge The Arctic is warming…

aerial view and grayscale photography of high rise buildings
Beyond GDP: changing how we measure progress is key to tackling a world in crisis – three leading experts

Paul Allin, Imperial College London; Diane Coyle, University of Cambridge, and Tim Jackson, University of…

silhouette of electric post during sunset
The UK is facing an energy bills crisis, and no major party is prepared for it

Keith Baker, Glasgow Caledonian University The UK is heading into the greatest cost of living…

gas stove
Britain’s energy price cap was never designed to keep your gas and electricity affordable

Karen Turner, University of Strathclyde The price of gas and electricity is soaring in Britain…

clownfish near coral reef
The Mediterranean has experienced record sea temperatures this summer: this could devastate marine life

The ocean sustains all life on our planet. It provides food to eat and oxygen…

map of the world book laid open on brown wooden surface
Sewage alerts: the long history of using maps to hold water companies to account

Southern Water was handed a record fine of £90 million in July 2021 after pleading…

green and yellow tractor on dirt
‘Liberate the tractors’: the right to repair movement that’s regaining control of our devices

The software that runs John Deere tractors was successfully “jailbroken” at this year’s DEF CON…