Did you know, if food waste were a country, it would be the 3rd largest emitter of greenhouse gases (after China & the USA)?
We waste about a third of all food produced for human consumption. Food which uses a lot of water, land and resources to produce.
When food rots down in landfill it produces methane. Methane is a greenhouse gas even more potent than CO2, and a huge contributor to global warming.
How we produce and consume food is one of the biggest threats to our planet today – both in terms of global warming and resource scarcity. Because one third of food is wasted, one third of this damage is done without reason.
If we shopped, cooked and ate smarter we could avoid wasting food at home. With actions along supply chains, like increasing efficiency or improving storage, mean we had more than enough food to feed a growing population.
Circular economy: the future of sustainability