How to get involved: Businesses

2024 is an election year. If your business isn’t part of the conversation for change, your interests won’t be represented and your clients will disengage.

Next year, everybody in the sustainability, nature and quality of living spaces is going to be talking and taking action. The greatest advocates for change are the ones already making change.

Who better to lead the conversation than those who have built their audiences, built their voice and made a stand for climate, nature and quality of life by building their businesses and making a sustained impact for people and planet?

We’re not asking you to put down your signs or give up the picket. But the voice of successful business people is a primary voice for change. 

You’re part of the system – your contribution to the economy keeps your cause on the political agenda.

No matter your business size, or its area of expertise, we want to talk to you. We want to work with you, and we want to help amplify your leadership and your voice.

We’re not asking you to change direction. Why would we? What you’re doing is already working.

We’re not asking you or your team to take on extra work. We’re here to do it for you.

We want to work with you.

This isn’t like other campaigns

Unlike other campaigns, if this is going to work, we know we need to be there to support you. We need to lend you our world-leading campaigning specialists, our experienced pollsters, our communications and marketing experts.

Sustained action is key to success. To make that happen, we want to give everyone the support to be engaged and stay engaged. Every voice matters. Let’s make them heard.

We’re here to work with you and your teams, to align the sector’s voice so that when we shout, we shout loud and we all shout the same thing at the same time.

How do we know this will work?

We’re using campaigning methodology rooted in behavioural science. It’s been used in political campaigning throughout the last decade, and the team at 181st Street are experts in it.

In Q4 2022, they ran our annual #ShopEthicalInstead campaign – advocating for over 100 small businesses. In 6 weeks, the campaign reached 4.7 million people, and achieved an uptick in sales of 18% for the brands involved.

What can we do for you?

If you haven’t got experience of advocacy, we will work with you to find your voice and position your brand where needed. We don’t want you to change what you’re doing, we’re just here to help you raise your voice for the sector and the planet.

Don’t know how to be an advocate? We’ll train you.

If you’re already advocating for your cause, we’ll work with you to increase your reach, your impact and amplify your voice. Advocates don’t have to be experts, that’s why we have charity and campaigning organisations. All we ask is that you’re willing to speak up for the greater good in a way that works for you, your business and your planet.

How can we work together?

We’re open to anything! We know the partnership needs to work for you.

If you run a business, you’re already an advocate, whether you realise it or not. Putting your cause front and centre of the political agenda can be good for business and create wider change too.

We’ll help you create a campaign on the issues that matter to you and your clients.

We’ll help you create personal branding campaigns in your voice, to let you raise your voice, without overloading your workload or creating unnecessary reputational risk to your business. The team at 181st Street, who are supporting this campaign with their time, resources and volunteer hours, do this for their clients every day.

Don’t want your business to be involved, but want your CEO or leadership team to raise their voice as advocates? We can help.

Your issue should be top of the agenda, but it’s hard to get in the room. We’ll give you access to the best lobbyists and political minds in the sustainability space.

Your Next Steps

  • Volunteer for a leadership interview – we want to feature a senior member of your team in our ‘as live’ sector voices sub-campaign. You’ll get great content you can share on your socials, you’ll put your issues top of the agenda and your leadership will get their voices heard.
  • Work with us to align your campaigns – from May 22nd we’re asking all of our partners to join us in one voice. To make this work for you and for the campaign, all we’re asking is that we align our messages.
  • Contribute your expertise – when the consultation opens from May 22nd, we’ll make it easy for you to share the solutions you work on every day and make sure they’re at the top of the political agenda. If you’re subscribed to the mailing list, these will come straight to your inbox.
  • If you’d like to discuss becoming an official campaign partner please book a call with our leadership team here (there’s no cost to partner with us – but there may be a cost to our planet if you don’t!)