Fast fashion tested: Zara and Guess score worst eco collection

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Moincoins has thoroughly tested the eco collections of some of the biggest fast fashion brands. This is how the brands scored in terms of their sustainability.

Over the last six months, Moincoins, a savings platform that highlights sustainable brands, tested four of the most popular fast fashion brands (Zara, Guess, H&M and Pull&Bear) to determine which one has the most sustainable eco collection. The in-depth review showed that Zara and Guess offer the least eco-friendly collections.

From November 2021 to January 2022 they tested T-shirts, jeans, sweaters and dresses from the brands’ eco collections. Testers looked into the sustainability of the materials, textile certifications, quality and durability, as well as the product information given in the online shop and on the product tags. All items were worn, washed, handled and cared for according to the care instructions by Moincoins employees.

1. Pull&Bear – Join Life Collection
2. H&M – Conscious Choice Collection
3. Zara – Join Life Collection
4. Guess – Guess Eco Collection

The results show that the Guess Eco collection lacked transparency and used the least amount of sustainable materials. The clothing from Guess was the most expensive but had the best quality.

Zara’s products were the worst in terms of quality and durability, but some items had textile certifications.

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H&M Conscious Choice scored average and was the cheapest of all brands tested. Pull&Bear was the surprise winner, ranking highest when it came to sustainable materials and product information.

“If you look deeper into the results, it’s quite revealing how seriously (or not) some brands take their sustainability efforts. ” said Alicja Borucinska, CEO of Moincoins.

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